I can't believe we're actually discussing this.
There's no way of predicting future events. The only thing you can say for sure is what happened in the past. Example: I assume that I'll be writing ''Don't take these predictions for anything,'' in 1 minute from now, but there's no way to be sure of it since a plane, a helicopter or, a meteor could hit my home (this is definitely very unlikely, but technically there's a risk)

Don't take these predictions for anything.

Nicklas wrote:
I can't believe we're actually discussing this.

What he said. Just an enormous load of crap made up by people who can't do anything useful in life. Like astrologers and everyone in scientology. Blah blah blah
>: |
oohh xD a nother millenium like hoax ..
i mean please .... xD :P
sometimes i cant believe the stuff that keeps people busy :D :D

no i dont think the world will end on a certain date with is predicted :-d
this is not a prediction like all the others have vbeen speculated, i think this time whre onto something, i mean, even when science couldnt prove something in the year 2012, filosophers like nostradamos 500 years ago speaked about the end in 2012, and even the mayan calendar speaked about the end of the world in 2012, and now on our days is proven scientificly that will be an aligment of astros, that only happens 26.000 years after 26.000 years, that can provoce, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos blowing, storms, tornados, and then like the last astros alignment, an ice age, so i actually think this time is a little bit diferent, BUT... i preffer to live life as its not going to happen and wait and see,i never cared about this things, and most of the times i think people are actually ridiculous , like the bug 2000 etc, lol, but this 2012 thing just makes me think a bit more then other speculations, cause theres ancient scripts and storys beeing matched with present science
Post edited November 14, 2009 at 10:50:10 PM by hugosilva
hugosilva wrote:
this is not a prediction like all the others have vbeen speculated, i think this time whre onto something, i mean, even when science couldnt prove something in the year 2012, filosophers like nostradamos 500 years ago speaked about the end in 2012, and even the mayan calendar speaked about the end of the world in 2012, and now on our days is proven scientificly that will be an aligment of astros, that only happens 26.000 years after 26.000 years, that can provoce, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos blowing, storms, tornados, and then like the last astros alignment, an ice age, so i actually think this time is a little bit diferent, BUT... i preffer to live life as its not going to happen and wait and see,i never cared about this things, and most of the times i think people are actually ridiculous , like the bug 2000 etc, lol, but this 2012 thing just makes me think a bit more then other speculations, cause theres ancient scripts and storys beeing matched with present science

Read my post... I explain that the Mayan Calander was mis translated and why it stops on that date. This wont happen, as much as people seem to want it tooo?? It wont apparently on this alignment the earth stop spinning for 1 hour in this time everything goes boom... utter bullsh*t B) :-d
Back on film, was kinda funny. I just wish they stop making this films were they are put, into a bad situation, it gets worse and then as predicted everything is good!!! yaa for hero's! pft. Hated it.

The CG were pretty good and when they filmed that bit inside with the ark with real water just looked utter crap haha! Loved it how they steer a massive ship and full power within seconds...

So many flaws in that film i just can't be arsed writing them down.

There are better films out there tbh. This film was only made for cinema's. No point in DVD for this one.
I like you.
wait you on about 2012? :P it's not out yet, not even online :D
Hmmm, isn't the American presidential elections in 2012? That could be a catastrophe in istelf, lol, remembering back to Gore/Bush and Florida (let's hope there's no repeat of that one)... Well done to a country which tries to instill democracy in other countries...

On that planetary alignment thing, yes, all the planets will be within a 25 degree angle or something like that, but the combined effect is much less than the gravitational force of the moon (i.e. basically nothing)! :).

In conclusion, live life, and don't go nuts just because a movie with awesome graphics tells us we're all gonna die :D... I kinda wanna see it for the cool graphics, but after reading this tread I think I'll give it a miss, lol - I have better things to do before I die =)
The gravity of the moon is pretty significant to earth, it's responsible for the ebbing and flow of all the oceans tides ;)

But as for the whole earth ending thing, I wouldn't waste time buying into any of it
Nothing will happen accord to me. They've said same things at year 2000 before it comes.
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