About the voting:
Hugosilva mentioned that it might be possible to down- or uprank it a lot, even if only few people rate e.g. only 1 star. Depending on the number of voters it might have no big effect. But it may come up to 1 star worse.

If you intend to do something about it I've got an suggestion:
How about waiting until some people voted, let's say 15.
Then taking the average of those people and making a range of +-3 votes.

Example: Average right after 15 people's voting is 6,3.

-> Every vote above 9 and below 3 stars has to get deleted.

I'm sure that would be no problem to do automatically by the db.
Hopefully with that explanation you'll be able to explain how to vote, because I'm really unsure at the moment...

I've been voting chops on how they fit into the showroom. For example, I'll give 5-7 stars to a chop that's pretty average for that particular level (So a chop that's in the Pro-Tuner forum for example, that's up to standards with the other chops in that forum). I'd give 8 stars to an excellent chop in that level (possibly bordering on the next forum up) and 9-10 is deserving immediate promotion.

I've noticed a lot of people are not doing this and actually giving each chop a vote on it's overall quality and not how it fits into the respective showroom. For example this chop has an average of about 5 stars when according to the way I'm voting it should have 7-8 stars.

So which is the right and wrong way to vote? Well I guess it really depends on how the formula is worked out... if it's a showroom based formula then we should vote how I've assumed, but if it's an formula based on chop's overall ratings then maybe we should be voting that way (New Choppers should be rated about 1-3 on their chops then, which could be quite deflating for them :P)
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
I'm sure it's about the overall looks and quality.

That way Mark could make a global ranking list to show the most awesome chops of all time and so on.
walla wrote:
I'm sure it's about the overall looks and quality.

That way Mark could make a global ranking list to show the most awesome chops of all time and so on.

What confused me though was JD's post:
jackdarton wrote:
It's just an average rating out of 10 Closed, pertaining to the showroom it's sat in, not for all of the showrooms if that makes sense?

And I do agree it would be easier if it were on an overall basis, but that might be a bit disheartening to the New Choppers who'll be rated really low for their chops :/
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Best solution would be to narrow the scale as 1-10 is a huge scale.

I personally prefer 1-5. 1 is a fail and needs a lot more work, 2 is alright but needs a little more work or just isn't anything special. 3 is good stuff executed well, 4 is really well made stuff with sweeeet style. 5 is just amazing stuff with a brilliant idea and immaculate execution. Hof scream is a wild card.

The way 1-10 scale isn't used to its full extent might come from elementary school grading in many countries. The top mark is of course 10 but scaling starts from 4 and that makes people think consciously that a 6 is very poor and thus will not rate that very often. By giving a rare 1-vote which doesn't fit the general consensus on how 1-10 scale is usually perceived makes it easy to destroy the whole rating for that particular chop.

But the point is, 1-10 scale is too wide.
Olli, you're right actually. What you say is even more relevant considering we have a five tier chopping system here on autemo (NCA, Inter, Pro, Advanced and Elite).

I'd still like someone to clear up whether voting is on an overall basis or a showroom basis though....
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
You could be right there Olli. Where were you when I was coding this. Your insight could really have come in handy then!

Didn't youtube previously have 1-5 star rating?
Mark, I don't know whether or not you've addressed some bugs yet, but I still get whiteouts (in gen. chat mostly) and the "redirect to last page" still doesn't work in some sections (gen chat and site news.)

Plus it would be nice if you put a colour under the forum stats to make it easier to read, no need for anything more than what you've put under the bottom "stuff."

@};- @};- @};- @};- @};- :mrteeth:
MK211 wrote:
You could be right there Olli. Where were you when I was coding this. Your insight could really have come in handy then!

Didn't youtube previously have 1-5 star rating?

At your house before you started coding? xD I can't recall us talking about the rating feature though.

Huh, I haven't even noticed the star rating has gone at Youtube! I do remember the like/dislike/no-vote system being on there for a while already.

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