Tyres could be darker too.
Yeah man...so great new step))) More-and more ideas and that good :-d
Signature removed because it's too large. Read the rules about signature sizes.
Daaamn this sh*t is wack!

Abusurd work and I like it. The desgin is very aggressive and it clearly show your wild imagination, witch is a plus.

Good work so far, I see you've spent quite a time on it.

Radness madness! The design makes it look like it could turn into a battle robot. :D

You might want to tweak the carbon a bit. Makes the front bumper and the canards look messy. Maybe try lowering the opacity and dodging/blending the fibers a bit on some places. And make some new highlights and reflections on the carbon pattern.
Thanks everyone for the great comments yet again, eventually I will finish this!
@BCS the tyres will be darker on the next update :-d
@Ollite, Agreed the carbon could do with some work in places on the front, i've noticed the messiest bits :P

Very small update now, started on the reflection of the car on the floor. About 6 hours of work and there's sod all there. I Just cant seem to work out how the front bumper would look from underneath with the splitter in the way and all the angles :omg:

Its been a lot of trial and error (and raging) to get to even this stage, can anyone suggest anything that could be done to help me?

Anyway, heres the stage im at.

I wouldnt worry too much about the angle from beneath, however i love the fact that there are actually people out there who realise that the reflection in the floor, isn't just the car flipped vertically :P best thing you can do IMO is get it to the point you can, but not TOO worried about how it looks, lower the opacity to around about 15%, then motion blur the reflection in the direction of 90 degrees from the floor, so it looks like it's coming straight off the car. don't motion blur it too much, but enough so it looks like it's not reflected in water, and will hide some of those mistakes you're worrying about :) Here's that method in play on my zenvo: http://jackdarton.deviantart.com/art/ICE-COLD-zenvo-176030474?q=&qo=
awsome wip :-d
Thanks jack, if that method worked so well on the Zenvo, then I'm sure it'll be just peachy for this :D i've been trying out all different things to try and work out the refs (like putting a model car on a mirror and drawings) but if they dont need to be all that accurate then i should be able to sort it.
Thanks again :-d
This must be the most crazy chop here xD I love it xD About the floor reflections, try and change the layer style to "soft light" work very good on a black car! hope you understand what I mean! and change opacity to around 50% I would say!
Actually i can't understand anything of the chop, but that's so cool !! Ahah you're sick mate, can't wait to see it in the Hall Of Fame ;)

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