heavyglow wrote:
I'm pretty disappointed and have to write down my opininon too and argue with some voters. I guess the voting it's not only a question of taste in a world championship. As a voter says in our group (div 5
http://www.autemo.com/forums/?t=7776) he put our chop down on the list cause the matt paint -as he wrote -... it can't be serious?!?! No offense, but i think that our job is worth better than 7th place and my team find this kind of ranking very insulting! Have you opened the HR file at all to check the details? This method looks like a lil bit unfair and not last amateur.
I just can hope that every ppl will be far more fair and detached in other divisions!
As I was the one who wrote it I guess I should comment this... The reason why I wrote what I did was to try and motivate why I put you so far down. As I started off with in the voting post I am not sure you deserve to be that far down the list, I wanted to award you guys more, because you have done a great job, but I just think that the other teams in your division did a better job. What I meant by the matt paint is that if it had been glossy, filled with advanced refs it had been easier for me to give it a more points. Cause in all fairness you did a great job... I am not stating that it was easier to make the paint matt either, since it is really hard to get those right, but in this case the whole pic fell a bit flat because of it.
I am sorry if you feel offended in any way and I hope this larger description better describes my motivation for my vote. Your division was extremely tricky...
Best regards.
P.s. I tried to be objective in all my votes, not looking at how other people have voted in any of the divisions, but there are a lot of good entries and it wasn't easy to rank all of it.
Post edited March 20, 2011 at 12:36:19 AM by Algeroth