jackdarton's crz chop

why do i feel they used your chop for inspiration, same color and similar fb


Haha, thats exactly what I thought the I first saw the car, but then i think it might just be normal to see some car looks alike with artist's chop.
Jackdarton should sue them for making an orange car!!!!!!!111+111!!11

compare it with an original crz, the fb is alot more jack inspired then honda inspired :P
Ahah, Honda needs a new designer for their cars now, they are getting worse and now even copying some artists' work lol
I would think it takes longer to measure, construct and build a bodykit then jack doing a chop which takes him half a day :P
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X-Raited Creations wrote:
Jackdarton should sue them for making an orange car!!!!!!!111+111!!11


+1 !!!!!eleven!1

but seriously: It was my first thought also... It looks pretty much the same as Jack's chop.
J_HUI wrote:
I would think it takes longer to measure, construct and build a bodykit then jack doing a chop which takes him half a day :P

wise words, but also there could be something, though it looks more like an evolution of the older crz mugen to be honest

also good take would be to actually wait what jack has to say about it untill make too rapid conlusions
Post edited August 09, 2011 at 03:13:11 AM by nordic man
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Dunno, didnt see it at first but now you compare both..hmmzzz
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am i the only one who see ALOT of differences and very little similar stuff? only thing i see as similair is the splitter, nothing else tbh, the paint aint even the same, they have some boring ordinairy orange while jacks have his awesomely shiny candy orange :P this aint enough to press charges anyways :P
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