Old Topics

I had to open this topic,I flet like I should open this subject because many people lately begun opening the old topics old a year or two.This becomes annoying,and I think we should do something with this as soon is possible.

What should we do?

-My opinion is that we could prohibit to post reply on topics old one month or more.

If anyone have a better idea,please tell. :)
Cheers ;)
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There's already the warning, telling people that the thread is old:

- I honestly don't know what more we could do.

If anybody has any suggestions, I/we will start working on something, because it truly is annoying.
There is one, and only one way to deal with these horrific crimes.

They must be warned once of the true power of your ban stick, and only then will they realise the true extent of their misdemeanor.

puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
But just some specific guys here who are doing something like this. Told them it's an old topic but they still reply and critic.
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Lets shoot them in the face....
1 person liked this.
X-Raited Creations wrote:
Lets shoot them in the face....
and poo in their breakfast

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X-Raited Creations wrote:
Lets shoot them in the face....

with what ammo ?


na but only thing i can think of is that admins will have to lock the topic :/
It seems to be Pededesigns most of the time.
I don`t know,maybe we should lock the topic like Zero said. :)
or we can shoot them in the face... :P

I think it would be silly to told them it's an old topic,pls don`t reply,they just click and post a reply...nothing happened :/
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To be honest, I'm not sure what the fuss is about, the threads are there and anyone can post what ever they want.

If they think a chop is good / bad then they can have their say. Doesn't matter if a chop / thread is old. :P

I bump threads every now and then, if I think something is needed to be said on a topic hehe
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