Gratz for Autemo people!

I wanna congratulate all users of Autemo around the world to achieved 100k post in Autemo! :)It means that Autemo live and gonna live forever ! :P Proud to be here from begins.

Make it twice soon ;)
Posts: 99,999
I think this would be post 100k??

EDIT: Posts: 100,004 Damn :(

Well congrats Autemo to every member and the Admin team for making this place happen, great job guys.
Long live Autemolio! :-d
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
w00p ive donated 2% of posts to autemo :mrteeth:
nice wan autemo
J i post this thread when i see 99.999 xD I won! xD
Nice!!! Gratz everyone!!!! :D :D
Woo! That's awesome guys! A big thanks goes out to each and every member we have here in this community, to those who make a post or even just drop by to have a look :mrteeth:
wow XD isn't autemo awesome.

Congrats to Mark and all other staff who helped make such an epic community :D
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Wooooh :D - that's indeed a bit of a milestone, and an awesome one at that :)
3 people liked this.
hehe, congratulations for this awesome awesome space, that basicaly is a spot where i pass most of the time in my life, even if its virtual, i pass more hours with autemo opened then actually working, so im glad this place is running healthy, and i wish it never ends, as others said, congratulations to the ones who are making autemo possible, and working on it in order to be online, but also to everyone that posts, visits, shows theyr work, see others work, talk about life, talk about nothing speacial at all, to all those who spam, to all who ask for help, to the ones that help, to others that just have great converstations on the chat, basicaly this is an all in one, not only a showcase, but a place where people make friends, and meet people with the same hobby, and same tastes for automotive customizations, design, build, type, wathever thats on wheels, so all i say is:
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