Voting, Round 3 - Div 2

Here is the voting thread for This Division Only

Absolutely key bits:
Top 6 teams from each division goes through to round 4

Please refer to the RULES OF VOTING before you vote, or your vote may not get counted.

Note: To make it fair when many people from one country vote when their team are in the competition, you still DO NOT vote for your own country. However, points equal to the average of other people's vote for your country will be added to your own country's vote. That should even it out in cases where two teams from the same country participate, and many members of one country decides to vote etc...

Click the images below for high-res of the teams who actually submitted entries.

Voting will remain open until 5pm Autemo time Friday 27th of April.

Division 2
Turkey 4

Poland 2



Spain 1

Italy 5

Russia 4

England 2

Bulgaria 1
Post edited May 22, 2011 at 10:03:25 AM by IronChop
10 points to Team Czech
9 points to Team Turkey 4
8 points to Team Poland 2
7 points to Team Italy 5
6 points to Team Spain 1
5 points to Team Australia
4 points to Team England 2
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10 Points = Team Czech - Crazy idea, very inventive. Quality of the work is high enough that I dont have much left to say about it :D.
9 Points = Italy 5 - Intended or not, it kind of looks like a new take on the Jeep Renegade concept from a few years back. I guess that's why the design didn't put me off, though I imagine for some it might. The quality of the work is good, and I can tell quite a bit of it must've gone in it.
8 Points = Spain 1 - I had a good laugh out of this one. The many things going on in the image makes it hard to knock the work :D. Do have to say the car looks MASSIVE though. Looks like what would happen if you let some crazy Russian billionaire design a Jeep. The good thing is, despite all the things in the image, the car is still the center piece. It has a few flaws but it entertains.
7 Points = Poland 2 - This rates lower than Spain 1 for me because the car is barely recognizable as a Jeep anymore. The quality of the work is great but if you would've told me it's a Ford Explorer or GMC I would've believed it too.
6 Points = Team Australia - The chop has a couple flaws. One big one is the grille. The rest of the car looks like it had some saturation issues, and I guess that's when they accidentally messed up the grille (and headlamp). That said, I like the look of the car and the quality of the work. The bike steals the show though :(.
5 Points = Team England 2 - The quality of the work is good, but the chop looks a bit bland. I can tell there's bit enough work, but the thought that sticking a Jeep front on last year's Dakar Hummer or X5 racers would've done the trick prevails. It sort of leaves me wanting, thinking; "if the Jeep was badass enough to make a Dakar racer out of, show me that Jeep".
4 Points = Turkey 4 - The harsh lesson here is that overstyling kills the base car. It has a few good elements but it could use more realism, and would be more suited as a standalone project.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
10 points = Team Turkey 4
9 points = Team Australia
8 points = Team Czech
7 points = Team Poland 2
6 points = Team Spain 1
5 points = Team Italy 5
4 points = Team England 2
10 points - Czech
9 points - Turkey 4
8 points - Poland 2
7 points - Australia
6 points - England 2
5 points - Spain 1
4 points - Italy 5
10 points to Czech =O B) :-d
9 points to Spain 1
8 points to Poland 2
7 point to Italy 5
6 point to Poland 2
5 point to Australia
4 point to England 2
Post edited May 21, 2011 at 03:05:33 AM by Mavra Design
10=> Team Poland 2
9=> Team Czech
8=> Team Turkey 4
7=> Team England 2
6=> Team Australia
5=> Team Italy 5
4=> Team Spain 1
10pts: Czech - Most awesome idea of all divisons. Very little flaws, like a too big head of the driver. The rest is just stunning.

9pts: Poland 2 - Another sweet idea for a chop. The paint is amazing and I bet with some more hours the girl and the open door will fit much better in the image.

8pts: Turkey 4 - Why just such a small image? Also I find the bodykit much too extreme. Really not my taste. However, nice brushing of the paint.

7pts: Spain 1 - Good idea, but in a lot of parts very poorly executed. Persons are way too small (look at the size of the hands under the hood compared to the one of the driver).

6pts: Italy 5 - Futuristic design, but not my taste. Image is too small.

5pts: Australia 1 - I fear the side looks too toony for a WTB chop. The green colors of the car, its grill and the bike have a different hue. No shadow of the wire on the floor.

4pts: England 2 - Looks like a mostly C&P work. Imho that's not enough for the WTB.
10: Poland 2
9: Czech
8: Australia
7: Italy 5
6: England 2
5: Turkey 4
4: Spain 1
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