How cool is this?

The answer is very.
Thought you should all see it!
Saw that earlier today, it looks damn awesome.
OMG,this is fantastic =O
Holy crap thats wicked!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I dont get it.
Walla, hot wheels are the best thing ever as a kid. Just as cool as things like transformers, lego and micro machines! You were fortunate to have toys like those growing up right!
Coolest commercial ever.
walla wrote:
I dont get it.
3D projection on the side of a wall.

Featuring virtual cars =O
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So much cooler than the one I saw in Sydney around christmas!

That must've been a huge butt-load of work to make! Looks awesome.
wow :omg:
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