Nissan Micra - R Design

Hi Everyone,

New wip and again in the same *R Design* series with the Ibiza - my goal is basically to create range of custom body kits for hatchbacks.

Searching for them, I found this micra and thought I could add the same sauce. So as usual, many donor from all over the car world (Wald GTR, Jetta R GT, Nissan GTR, Tetsu GTR and BBS). There is also few part coming from my VT (Side of splitter from WTB Porsche and rear arch from Swift).

Not too sure whether I'll keep the rear arch but we'll see the outcome anyway.

But anyway hope u like it so far.

Basis (HR)

WIP 1:

WIP 2:

Enjoy the rest of the day ;)
Nice idea.Waiting for more :-d
i would keep the rear arch:Dlooking nice so far keep up the good work:)
Hi GT-R (ca fait un baille o.O )
It is the good beginning while waiting for the continuation :-d
Thx guys, will update something tonight or tomorrow ;)

DesignEvo - Bah oui sa fait baille jojo xD - j'espere que tu vas bien ;)
more more more more more =O =O =O =O =O :-d :-d
You had a very good idea, but I'll wait to give an opnion better. :-d

Can you send me the BG? :)
Th for the replies everyone, appreciate the comments. Worked on it today, starting the refs:

Can you send me the BG?
Woh mamma mia))) Great ideas, great bg))) Great start!!!
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