
Hello everyone.

I'm writing this post to let everyone know that the person behind "goodspeed" is actually "Gonças".

I've been chopping and tooning since 2005 and many of you already know me from Digimods and DeviantArt.

As Gonças I was banned from this forum and I deserved it. At the time I had an argument with Jackdarton and stupidly I let that affect my behavior in the forum. I was rude and childish and the administration acted accordingly.

I'm also writing this because I missed the Virtual Tuning community and I want to be part of it again. I know I was childish and inconvenient in the past but I have changed and I promise to be kind and helpful to everyone.

I don't want to keep hiding behind some stupid clone nickname so please just let me stay as "gonças".

Post edited March 07, 2011 at 02:41:45 AM by Goncas
welcome back, tbh i have missed your works, but last time you did go abit ott
upto the staff i guess
I used to be the kind of person who liked conflict, I'm in peace with myself now and all I want is to kind to everyone regardless of what they think of me. =)
I keep seeing your name pop up on driftworks and wondering what happened to the virtual tuning, guess I missed the whole argument thing. Up to the mods but would be good to see some more of your work :)
I think you deserve a new chance bro.
Everyobody does mistakes. But im glad you're back.

But as Will said, its up to the staff.
Hey Goncas

Yeah, we did have a "little" bit of an argument before, but thanks for letting us know that it's you behind "goodpseed"

Personally, i'm fine with you being around here, because if you wanna get back into the chopping community then i'd be an ass to stop you, and seeing as Autemo is the best chopping site around ;p then it's a no brainer. I'll have a word with the other admins, or wait until they see this thread, but i'm happy for you to be back as long as you be good on the forum. I missed your work too.
Ok bro. No hard feelings at all. If you let me stay I just want to ask you guys to change my username to "Gonças". That's all. and I will behave :)
Dude I missed your chops I'd love for you to return!

Mods let him use his old name ;)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I'll have to get your old account actually deleted in the database to free the username back up for you to use. I'll let you know when we've sorted things out.
yaaayy gonças is back xD
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