Competition suggestion

Hey guys, this is about the competitions...

The last few competitions have had a deadline for only two or three weeks. And if any of you are like me, who goes to school, works and have to sleep, three weeks isn't always enough to go all out on a chop. So, how we we had a comp. that would last 2 months, or even two competitions a year which would run for six months each?

That way, everybody will have time enough to enter, and do their best at the same time.

Just an idea...
What you saying is sence...

but actualy increasing the deadline make us a lil lazy and never chalenge our selves.. i'm afraid to say :(

and the normal deadline wich is 2 weeks in not enough at least for me :)

the better deadline is gotta be 3 week and no more.. IMO

but that's only my opinion ..
Agree with Crazy.
also :
More time you have, more lazy you are -> more time you lose.
As sad this is, it's absolutely right.

But I guess that idea of the NorKid would be a good compromise:
Make just one additional competition with a little longer deadline for people that need several weeks to finish one chop.
At least it could be tested and if a lot people would participate it could get a regular one.
I don't mean just comps with that long deadline, I mean like addition to those who already are running. Maybe with a tough theme or something.

Because, two weeks. For me is nearly impossible to create a good chop for me, as I go to both Highschool, I take a College course, I have work and homework all at the same time so I only have the weekends (And I work every other Saturday too) to work on anything in Photoshop. So a long deadline would be great, for others too who are in the same situation.
Good news is we'll be extending the average time of competitions to 3 weeks minimum from now on. Occasionally we will have the shorter 2 week comps to keep things upbeat and mix things up every now and then too. We may try out a longer comp every once in a while as well. I think that's worth a shot and here at Autemo we want to mix it up and try out new things.

2mths is what we'd consider the length of a 'long-term' comp. Having 6mth for a competition would be way too long in my mind, it would defeat the purpose of competing, cos everyone might get lazy and I think people would lose interest in it by the halfway mark then anyway. I'd be concerned with a 6mth comp that people may think 'oh i got so long that i'll start it later' and won't start it to the last minute anyway.

On the topic of comps, would people be interested in having more 'themed' comps, like "Chop an Autemo company car", "Create a beach themed Chop", "Best Track car or DTM car", "Chop a car from your country", "Remake an old supercar into a new concept", "Create the best wallpaper" - that kind of thing??
Make each comp 1 month long then you can have 12 comps a year, seems fair if you ask me? not tooo long but long enough to get something decent from itt :-d
2 month comps sounds good, Mark. And I'm glad you'll mix things up a little, and themed comps would be ace!

Thanks Mark...
MK211 wrote:
On the topic of comps, would people be interested in having more 'themed' comps, like "Chop an Autemo company car", "Create a beach themed Chop", "Best Track car or DTM car", "Chop a car from your country", "Remake an old supercar into a new concept", "Create the best wallpaper" - that kind of thing??
Yes definitely. Would spice up the comps.
Yeah, that would be awesome.
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