Who needs help forming a WTB team?

I'm starting this thread for any members who are having a hard time finding a team for WTB 2011.

If you are one of those people, don't worry! We're here to help. If you're looking for a team write a reply in here, and we'll use this thread to help you form teams..

Registrations close 12th Feb, keep that in mind.

EDIT: also, don't forget to try the members list page and search for fellow members from your country: http://www.autemo.com/members/ pm them asking if they'd like to start a team with you.

Happy team-forming!
Post edited February 04, 2011 at 06:29:23 PM by MK211
I'am.. need team but can't any people of my country that can join because they're no time to chopping..
No problems Ivan, we'll first see if anybody else replies in here from Indonesia too and then we'll help you find start a team with them. If there's nobody else from your country, we'll potentially help you out with forming a semi-international team with members from nearby countries closest to you.
Oh, well, thankyou Mark :D hope I can find a team as soon as possible :)
I would like to join a United States team but I am not sure how big the photochopping community is over here...
Me too.
I've not a lot of time (I work usually approx 11h/day)... hope to be more present for the next year.
Just updated the main post with a link to the members list page. That and external websites (like Deviantart etc) are the best places to find fellow choppers from the same country as you to start teams with.
What if my fellow Norwegians aren't interested in entering?
In worse case scenarios, if it comes to it, we'll look at allowing you to partner with other members from neighbouring countries who are also having a hard time finding ppl to form teams with.
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