So how was 2010 on Autemo for you?

Wasn't that long ago, or doesn't seem that long ago that I made the thread about Autemo's 8 month anniversary and here we are at the 16 month one. I really need to make these at the year marks but I keep forgetting, hence the title of this thread. So... 2010, it's been a year of ups and downs for pretty much every member I know of, tell us how you've found your time on Autemo as we're always looking for feedback on how to improve the site, or just tell us what you've enjoyed.
if totally honest
there was pretty many occasions when i thought why do i even bother coming up here?

sometimes the mood and general athmosphere is just not welcomming in here, even if it seems so to the outside
eventhough this only has to do with certain peoples behaviour and actions towards each and another

also on many occasions you get locked into being something/somewhere even if you didnt do anything and people are bugging you constantly on what you should do (for them, obviously...)
and what you shouldnt

basically the whole point of entering to any competitions and the whole competitionthing died down comparing to even 2009 (wtb aside, was there really any popular competitions?)

also there is some other things that i have already mentioned about, so no need to really bring them up again, since i dont want to keep going on and on about the same thing

but on other hand, the artworks and the general skill-level is growing and growing along with the time, which is nice to see

also ofcourse here is some nice people and stuff, which makes me want to comeback here and keep working on own way to produce art which i like to do
We'll take what you've said into consideration Matthias. This year, the championships will resume as far as I know and they'll be bigger than ever. You have to remember that we're still in the Beta stages meaning there's a lot of things left to figure out. In a week or so, maybe more maybe less we'll be coming out of the beta stages with a shed load of updates courtesy of Mark.

We'll pour more stuff into the community too to make sure you have a reason to stay here, after all Autemo is purely community driven, without you guys there wouldn't be an Autemo and our member base is our number one priority, no matter how big things get on the commercial side.
generaly i love autemo , last perioud for me has been awsome

great atmosphere , cool people , awsome chops , great lay-out

well basicly loving it here

i do have some negative stuff >

the activity has dropped to a all time low , its not obligation to reply but like why when somebody vieuws a chop cant they take that extra minute to reply , if 50% would do so it would be soooo active here =O

and ... i already said this past week autemo is suh a friendly community (in a nother thread) and basicly its like asking the gods (if there are any :P) ...
because this past few days and especially today i saw some "disturbing" things , lets make it short a few stupid reactions and there and people who cant take well ment hounest c&c

also a new members kinda reacts very harsh , thats the next problem i know (think) he doesnt mean it bad but the way it comes across is kinda blunt
could cause ranting and bashing further along the week
i kinda explained it but when somebody has to use a translator to post here its kinda hard to get a message clear across ...

for me thats all small stuff because 98% of teh time i love the atmosphere here

fact remains its slowly dying here , its winter time a time when people are indoors behind the pc
most active perioud of the year chopping wise and basicly people dont reply to one another

its not superimportant to get oooeeh and aaahs or .... but why do you join a community ??
right to post your work and its nice when people reply with whatever they think about it

but people only want to get replyes and dont give them (not everybody off-course)

well gonna stop now dont want to be this negative , but thats the thing hat i noticed and to behounest for me its the forst time i saw autemo this slow on active posting

but cant really make people more involved thats always a problem on forums , my guess is it will pick up enbventually

coudl also be hollidays / christmass and new years off-course :-d
I agree with Rich here, there should be more posts in individuals chops, not just 50 views and 0 posts. I don't understand that either.

There are just two things that I would like to point out:

1. Mods should be more active in promoting, in overall. I remember, I think it was somewhere in August or September, 2010 of course, when there was really large amount of promotions and the forum was really alive. But then, things started to go down the hill and so did the activity dropped.
There are some dudes that deserve to be promoted and when they are not, I think some of them take really bad.
There are some of us who doesn't really care that much about promotions and all, we want just show our work and get some feedback on our chopping so we can improve. But to some of them, promotions really mean a lot.
But that is my opinion, not necceserlly to be true.

2. The other thing is competitions. When there was comp in Digimods, everybody joined and the comp was really huge thing there, important event and almost every chopper knew the given base back then.
If you will be able to start a ''tradition'' here also, like on DM, that would be just amazing and more people would join, just for the comps.

Overall, it is really nice forum and community, where I feel welcome, as a member. Nice people, some of them are really-nice. I don't know why, but I don't see any trolling or spamming here, nice work on that, mods :-d

Just keep it like now, maybe improve that small 2 suggestions which I mentioned above and Autemo will be remembered for a long long time :-d
An idea to increase the promoting stuff would maybe be to make " Half-admins " or what you wanna call it.

They dont have the authority to ban and etc.

But they can move threads, promote/demote Artists and are just more in to looking around on all threads and artists profiles?.

Could this be doable? and is it a good idea?
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
We're looking into that Nibs, thanks for the replies!
2010 Autemo was great but haha still not pro which is my bad :P

Big error to fix still is the page option for older posted donors in donor central.

Other than that i love being here and seeing the place grow!

Also i think we need more frequent challenges
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I really enjoy Autemo, been a great place to come and challenge myself and try to up my skill level. I agree with needing more frequent challenges. After WTB started last year, there was very few things happening outside of that. Was a little disappointed to come back from an extended break and see it so slow...but thats no ones fault. :P But I am happy to be back.
I've really enjoyed 2010 overall thanks mostly to the friendly people around the forums. Whether it's Nicklas' goofy humour, J_HUI's willingness to help anyone on their chop, or nordic man's (brutally xD) honest feedback - all help to make autemo what it is.

I'm really excited for a better and improved autemo in 2011 :-d
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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