How is being an Autemo Admin actually?

As most of you know, we're a happy bunch of no-good hoodlums, doing an unpaid, but excellent, job here at Autemo. However, along with the job of being admin comes a lot of responsibility... and of course humongous amounts of laaaaaadies:

(That's MK211 at the Autemo HQ in Sydney)
hope you don't mind Mark!

Besides that...
On behalf of the entire staff I want to thank all the members of Autemo for making 2010 a pretty damn great year! The site is still in beta, but as previously announced, some kickass noob-pwning site-updates will follow on the very first week of 2011!
We hope that the lots of you will keep making Autemo better and better in 2011!

Happy New Year!

The Staff
Post edited December 31, 2010 at 08:55:22 AM by IronChop
the left one is my fav
^^^^^lucky B xD :-d

a big thnx too all staff for keeping this (imo) the best chop site i've seen

think about all the fails in the past (other chopforums) , people getting in fights , staff who wasnt amoungst the regulair members a lot
a lot of wrong members who just came to make a mess and create a lousy atmosphere

knock on wood >>> i hope autemo stays as awsome as we have been

cool / relaxed / layed back atmosphere > room for a joke > people can be hounest without trouble ( in 90% of the cases)

well enough said

thnx staff :-d :-d
MK211 is the one to the left, right?

Happy new year every one. :)
btw i'll take the one on his right (directly next to him) (and thats our right / seen from our side)
she is hot
Just amended Nick's post - Autemo will actually come out of beta in the first week of the New Year Now, not the first day, as Mark have been in Sydney a bit longer than expected over the holidays.

Oh, and I'll happily have the two on the right :)
I'd happily have any of them tbh :D
madam j hussain thought he was good taking photos of mark B)

and the site it still in beta after like 16 months xD
Hay I took like 3 photos, Nicklas just chose the bad pic :/
And yes the one on the left has massive.... ahm personality xD

Oh right on topic, the admins are doing a bang up job, I talk to half the admin teams on a daily basis and <3 the atmosphere.

So people: less fighting, chop stealing, name calling, more competition-ing and I'll look forward to the new layout Mk, Hope to meet you and Ollie again soon :)

Happy (Early) 2011 bitches!
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
A BIG BIG THANK to all the staff ;) you guys are doing a great job! It's the best VTuning forum i've ever seen, and i'm not lying, it's truly the best!!
I wish you happy holidays! :)
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