Must SEE , high res image of London DETAILS !!

I just found this its a link to a panorama view of London
its insane,you can Zoom in amazing details you can even read the bus times.

here is the picture i found its SPONGEBOB PILLOW!! :D wowooooo


Some one hiding on the stairs making out lol!

Here is the link to the site

lets see what you can find :D

Post edited November 24, 2010 at 12:45:19 AM by Glacius
awsome link thnx !!!!!!!!!!!! xD
couldnt find any naked ladies in the windows or anything interesting =/
The first picture like this of a city was from Paris, only 26 giga pixels but that was sooooo good !

wow perverts and stalkers got a new toy! and just in time for christmas

........santa must have careless about his goodlist this year!
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

Wicked find mate! I found a site like this that was of a photo of Sydney... I can't remember it now, but I'll try to find it. I found the navigation on this site hard to use, maybe cos I've become used to inverted y-axis when playing fps games!
This will keep me amused for a while, thanks Glac.
Nice find Glac, now I can lurk at people without having to hide :)
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