Automotive Design Real World Magazine - Questionaire

Hello you big bunch of bastards.
Do my questionaire please, it's for my graphics design project, thanks :)

- Do you purchase and read magazines?
Yes/No + Why/Why not?

- If so, what kind and what titles?

- Do you think a real world autuomotive design car magazine is a marketable idea?
Yes/No + Why/Why not?

- If yes, would you personally purchase it?

- Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?

Cheers :D
Do you purchase and read magazines?
Yes, I buy and read mags constantly. I do it cos it's good to catch up with the latest info that's going on around you. Magazines are generally up to date with the latest and coolest stuff on the scene. Nowadays online sources are great for that too of course, but sometimes it's good to just sit down and have a magazine in your hands and have a flick through.

If so, what kind and what titles?
I read car mags like Hot4s, Autosalon, FastFours, High Performance Imports and Wheels magazine. I also really enjoy reading FreeriderMX more than anything. It's all about freestyle motorcross and dirtbikes in general. Plus its generally got a wicked centre liftout.

Do you think a real world autuomotive design car magazine is a marketable idea?
Yes, I really do. And if you think so too I want you to come on our ezine team!

If yes, would you personally purchase it?
Yes most definitely, i'd love to read it.

Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?
Tits and ass. Can never get enough of that stuff

Jokes aside, I think it'd be a great idea, and a great contribution to the automotive industry. Especially if it featured alot of stuff on concept cars, coverage of motor shows around the world, and most importantly portfolios/interviews on great designers that are currently employed in real world car companies - guys like Jason Castriota would be brilliant to read and learn about. How he got into the industry, what inspires him, what he drives even, would be cool. So yeah, it'd be sweet, i'd love to get my hands on one of these kinds of mags..
Brilliant reply Mark thanks a lot.
Personally i do think it'd be a brilliant idea, and although i don't think i'm going to uni anymore, therefore my dreams of becoming a car designer have kind of gone down the dain, i am still highly interested and would definately buy the magazine.

This is for my graphic design project at college, i'll keep you updated on designs etc. if you're interested.

Thanks again, p.s. please can you re-do the last question, i have to put this in my work as primary research haha!
Sure, definitely keep us posted with designs and the work you're doing for this. I'd love to see what you've got in mind and are capable of producing.

Here's my rewording of the last question. I see how the original response may get you lower marks if you submit that,.. haha especially if your tutor happened to be female!

Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?
Overall I think a magazine of this sort would be a great idea, and a great contribution to the automotive industry. Especially if it featured alot of stuff on concept cars, coverage of motor shows around the world, and most importantly portfolios/interviews on great designers that are currently employed in real world car companies - guys like Jason Castriota would be brilliant to read and learn about. How he got into the industry, what inspires him, what he drives even, would be cool. So yeah, it'd be sweet, i'd love to get my hands on one of these kinds of mags..
Hello you big bunch of bastards.

Do my questionaire please, it's for my graphics design project, thanks :)

- Do you purchase and read magazines?
yes and no I used to buy alot from the local newsagency to read on the train or at home for inspiration from the mag design layout to the content inside and it helps me create my own artwork.

- If so, what kind and what titles?
Back a year or two I was crazy over monthly magazines anything from Autosalon, Hot4's, Fastfour's, Fastcars uk, Redline, Maxpower. Basically anything that covers the automotive scene, trends and car mods, but then over a period of time I bought less to almost none. :(

- Do you think a real world autuomotive design car magazine is a marketable idea?
To be honest I really do, but then it depends on the content and the layout of the magazine.
I as a customer / designer, would love to see a simple yet stylish magazine with content that would make me look over and over again with awesome concepts and ideas from artist within the industry.
The book doesn't have to be 1000 pages for it to be bang for buck, it's about quality and the content so balance out the two. For the project to be successful you have to calculate the cost of everything from shipping, printing etc, and at first dont think about the profit too much and just give the people a quality read and ask for feedback on how to improve.

But you have to put one thing in mind, it's the digital age. Would it be a better idea to distribute online??

- If yes, would you personally purchase it?
Yes I would consider it, but as I mentioned it's good to know and see how the magazine will turn out. Before considering if it will be a long term buy or just a one time thing, so it's good to make a good first impression or maybe some behind the scene wip's and get connected to the readers.

- Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?
It would be a good read as long as you can cover things all around the globe around the industry, get interviews with artist, show renders and sketches. Basically what MK211 pointed out above.

Good luck lew. :-d
Post edited November 18, 2010 at 01:04:40 AM by J_HUI
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- Do you purchase and read magazines?
Yes, I do. I sometimes prefer having the real deal in my hands, to reading everything on the internet.

- If so, what kind and what titles?
I buy "Science Illustrated", and "History". I used to buy cartuning mags aswell, but I stopped that a couple of years ago.

- Do you think a real world automotive design car magazine is a marketable idea?
Yes, definitely. I don't see why not, so that's really why I think so.

- If yes, would you personally purchase it?
No, probably not since I prefer science or history related magazines.

- Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?
Something not about cars, fx. games and movie reports.
Cheers J.

We had to give ourselves our own design brief, i chose to come up with a new magazine brand, and design it's corporate identity. So a logo will be a massvie part of it, of course i will design a couple of pages too and perhaps some other promotional things.

Mark, thanks for the reply again, and yeah she is female haha but we have a laugh. Would it be okay to include Autemo in the mag? Obviously i'm going to need decent content to go inside. I'll most probably feature VM, would be nice to put some Autemo things in there too.

Just a note, this isn't a magazine for Photoshop rendering, it's for all aspects of car design from marker sketches to 3D rendering.
Thanks Nik, as i said just after your post, it will be all types of design, not just 'virtual tuning' and modified cars, this is to ensure a wider and different target audience, considering this, i don't think computer games would be a good idea (unless however it talks about the design of cars within the game which is a good idea!).
- Do you purchase and read magazines?
Sometimes. Recently (well, four months ago) I bought a Top Gear magazine to read on the airplane. I used to buy car magazines more often before but the problem with print magazines is that once you've read it it's wasting space in your house! And I don't want to throw them out because they're about cars. And cars are good. So it's kind of an annoying paradox. Or something.

- If so, what kind and what titles?
Top Gear, EVO magazine, CAR magazine, some Finnish modifying publishing

- Do you think a real world autuomotive design car magazine is a marketable idea?
You mean like autemo (or like those numerous car blogs on teh internets) as a print version? Not a marketable idea, no. Reading the stuff on the internet is so much faster which totally kills the magazine's purpose. What good is a magazine about news that have already been seen on the internet weeks before the magazine gets out?
Also, actually there is a publishing on automotive design. It's not actually a magazine in the sense that it is published monthly. It's a thick book that is published like 4 times a year or something. I remember reading it in my home school's library but I can't recall the title of the darn thing. It's mostly about concept design and more sort of underground stuff. Such as behind-the-design kind of stories about world class concept cars and creations of up and coming freelance designers.

- If yes, would you personally purchase it?
If it was like, for example, autemo as print it would probably be a very light read I wouldn't consider buying it. Not to say that autemo is somehow too light but you know, it works as an online community but as a print magazine it loses the community aspect and turns into a slide show. Which is flickered through at the newsagent's without buying it.

- Aside from the obvious, what would you like to see in an automotive design magazine?
In-depth stories such as design processes of well-known concepts or professional interviews of different designers, their work and their aspect on automotive design.

Tricky stuff.
Post edited November 18, 2010 at 01:18:13 AM by ollite20
Photoshoper wrote:
Mark, thanks for the reply again, and yeah she is female haha but we have a laugh. Would it be okay to include Autemo in the mag? Obviously i'm going to need decent content to go inside. I'll most probably feature VM, would be nice to put some Autemo things in there too.

Sure, no problems, include Autemo in there if you want. And feel free to use any of my chops/artworks in there if you need.
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