who is your insperation in chopping??

who is your insperation in chopping??

mine are jack darton and a guy of another forum called tms/demon virtual tuning.
Jackdarton, Nordic Man, Noxcoupe Design, J_HUI, Glacius & RC82 Workshop just to name a few
anyone that is better than me - i hate them all ;)
nah, they drive me to do more.... Jack Darton, really inspired me, he taught me lots too,

Thanks jack :-d
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No-one, you all suck round here
^^ then why are YOU here ?? :/

Mine are (in no particular order): Glacius, Jack Darton, Nordic man, HugoSilva, Mk211, X raited, Sn-

Edit: also add: Cop and IAC :-d
Post edited August 26, 2010 at 08:32:50 PM by J_HUI
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