Glacius very first EVER Chop

So as some might know im leaving UK in a months time, to move back to norway and live with my girlfriend, and last night i was going thru some of my old stuff, papers and magazines etc, and i came over these to papers that where printed in 1999 , its my VERY first ever car chop, i couldt belive it, its been so long 11years, and it still i think looks brilliant haha, i belive this is where my concept ideas started as seen its a peugeot top on the lexus, quite funny to see

This was the base i used, i belive its the most used base ever lol

And my tuned version of it first ever i did

And then i did the concept version where it all started

Sorry the quality, but its taken with my Mobile cam,,lol il try and make it better if needed.

just thought i share, and let everyone know that we all start somewhere, and that practice makes perfect , =)
wow,i cloud see talent from this chops xD
from practise to perfection
Worst part is... That is better than my first 5 chops were.
haha damn, that is not what we are use too see from you, although it was quite clean and better than my first chops^^, not now though, i´d like to battle with "the old glacius" and kick his ass so i could brag about it :roll:
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ToMiii @Facebook
1999, dajumn.
hahahaha thats awesome dude. That was like 6yrs before i even started chopping and i sucked
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Inter for sure ;) hahaha you had talent from the begining
im surprised it doesn't have the trademark zonda sideskirt that was the main source of donor back in the day :D
good old digimods flames!
LOL chris you sucked backed then hahha but then so did we all I remember that chop I have mine somewhere around one of my backups.wasnt it in photshopjunkie or photshopchop wow its been forever since we started.I remember seeing charlie's,IAC's,chapters versions and thinking wow could I ever be that good.

Big improvements thats for sure...

Thanks for the invite to join autemo looks like its a good bunch of guys with loads and loads of talent in here

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