what with or where have you woken up?

Just got back from a house party where i was a little tipsy last night :P, looking around the flat there was a long flexi pipe from a vacuum cleaner rammed through the letter box,my friend was covered in bruises and the window was left open all night :S in the past ive woken up to many traffic signs, one from a kebab shop left outside and a car tyre once next to me, a few phonebooks left outide and a shopping trolley too. the strangest place ive woken up is a flowerbed but i have fallen asleep on the sofa and woken up on the toilet without knowing how i got there lol on the floor with some girl wrapped around me :D and we cant forget the good old bathtub from time to time haha.

My question to you is whereis the maddest place you have woken up and what crazy things have you woken up with?, i bet there are gonna be some creepy and hilarious stories in this thread .
Nothing better than waking up while hugging the toilet. :)
I once woke up on top of a bus shelter with a traffic cone next to me and an ashtray in my pocket. No recollection whatsoever of how i came to end up there and none of my friends can tell me either.
Once I woke up in the middle of a road without my t-shirt on too.
And there was one time where i woke up in my bed and my bedroom door had been ripped off and my mates had built a wall in my doorway using bricks (luckily no cement)
Im sure theres others but I cant remember entirely....
I woke up with a baby bird of some sort in my bedroom this morning
Sounds like mad times. I've had many epic nights that ended up pretty randomly.

One of the biggest nights Ive had on the piss was ages ago now, I've had many since but this still has to be up there as one of the ones when i got most trashed... We met up at a mates place for a few hours before a party we were going to. And we started having shot comps and getting smashed and when time came to leave to go to the party we were all hammered. I was epically hammered tho.. I spewed in the taxi on the way there. twice. Got to the party, I passed out in the front garden. Yep I didn't even make it in the front door of the party I was going tooo!!! Woke up a few hours later in the dying part of the party by my friends, then we got ready for a massive struggle mission of a walk home.....

I gotta say the parties we've been having lately are getting bigger and bigger, this is probably not a good thing, cos more shit is getting broken! It's wild stories to tell, but the cleanup sucks! matter of fact I don't wanna go upstairs right now, cos i'm afraid of the mess i'll see from last nights party hahaha
I am from Northern Ireland; need I say anymore? LOL

Cut it short because I'll be here all day typing... Unless you really want to know?

Not in any particular order:

1. Couldn't find my front door keys, so I climbed into my hedge and went to sleep.
2. Tried to climb the stairs up to bed, thought I was in bed. Woke up; STILL ON THE STAIRS.
3. Was at a house party the other week, got completely smashed and I thought my mates bat tub was my bed. Got in and went to sleep.
4. Another house party not so long ago, I woke up with my legs tied. My both legs then tied to another tie which was tied to the roof.
5. Came home steaming the few months back; couldn't properly see, couldn't find the fridge either - don't ask. Continued to eat the dog food.
6. I remember a few years back, when I went clubbing into the towns city, we were on are way home in the taxi and I mean I was absolutely HAMMERED. Just about knew my name etc, my mate said "When you get out of the taxi I am going to throw you into bed". Me being hammered, I thought "hmmm, beds outside the door". So basically he put his hands together and pushed my feet up into the air. I had landed in a hedge and just like sinked into it. They tried to get me out and I apparantly was like "F**K OFF, I AM TRYING TO SLEEP". Don't remember a thing.

Suppose I could go on, I really don't want to. I am trying to be a good boy these days and focus on life. Rather than get absolutely hammered, get off with a girl and forget her name within the first five mins of being stocius blocked; to then forget how I got home and suffer from a migraine the next day. :-d
I once went to this girls house and got hammered, found out later that I spent the night with a nice girl too, which turned out to have a super fit body but fugly face ( :( ), woke up the next morning there with everybody gone. The house was absolutely smashed, food everywhere, the fridge was flipped over and everything was lying on the floor, every piece of glass in the house was smashed, the walls weren't straight anymore (!!!!!!) doors were ripped off, the beds were ripped to pieces and scattered around the house, furniture smashed and a huge, expensive painting had a gash straight through the middle. I though "oh my god..." when I woke up, then walked out to find their car in a stream beside the house with the doors open, lol.

Then I walked home and thought nothing more about it until I was told that I got a gun pointed at me by some random fuckers that came to make trouble, and that I ran up to knock the shit out of them after they had smashed a friend of mines face. I almost hadn't stopped screaming when they took the gun out, but then a horde of people started running after them which eventually turned into a car chase for 2 hours (not by police mind you, lol).

What a random night xD
i once woke up 450km away from my house, sleeping inside abandoned car with no windows at all, with no money to go back home, alone, 5 years passed and i still dont know how the hell i woke up there

also another story, once i woke up in a hotel in peterborough, with a tub full of empty beer and jaggermeister bottles, with curtains burned, and a bit of the bed sheet burned, apparenty we where smoking in the room and i dont remember, an employee of the hotel opened my room door, saw me there lying on the floor, and called the paramedics, cause they tought i was knocked by the smoke of the burned curtains, i quicly grabbed my stuff and runned to the airport allong with some irish mates i was with, and grabbed the first plane to portugal, then sleeped on the station at Porto Station, cause i lost the last train home
Post edited June 15, 2010 at 02:06:55 AM by hugosilva
I've only gotten sick once drinking and never had an epic moment waking up anywhere. Guess i'm god at getting shitfaced without losing it haha
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
party at my mates for his birthday and it was my birthday 2 days later so got hammered :P
woke up in the morning with blood all over me and on my mates cream carpet, had a nose bleed in the night somehow
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