::jackdarton:: Oakley Design Ferrari Italia 458

Hey guys

been working with Oakley Design the past few months, the same guys who built my panamera :D We started work on the Ferrari Italia 458 as they have a new investor, so can move on to cars other than Porsches. Finally got the go ahead from Jon this morning that i can announce it. This bad boy will be rolling around the streets by July, with only 5 editions being made. All of the modifications affect the cars performance, this was exciting for me to work on as usually things are just for show. Anyway, enjoy :)

love the triple pipes and the diffuser at the back, love the contrasting black vents and scoops at the front, looks really good dude, wish something i designed would be made in real life, bet thats a awesome feeling lol :-d
I will never start hating white clean styled cars :D
Looks hot :)
looks good
could you explain the benefit of the porsche vents under the front hood part? xD
only joking jack
looks really nice - very professional
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lol cheers guys

Andy, i know you're joking, but for the benefit of anyone wondering, it channels air from the front splitter up across the bonnet and across the windshield, increasing downforce and keeping air from going under the car, also increasing stability :)
looks sexy jack :)
Looking fantastic!
Those 3 pipes at the back look a lot better than original!
Subtle tuning is best! :)

Great work jack! :D
I like you.
Duffers wrote:
Those 3 pipes at the back look a lot better than original!

the original has 3 pipes xD
I love it!
Suitable mods, and tasty design!
You are doing great man!
Clean as usual mate, I'm liking it alot ;)
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