MW2 Stimulus Map Pack

So who's got em? And what do you think of them?
I don't have them, and find it annoying that i now cant get into a game easily.
Hmm thinking of nabbing that from my mate as he plans to buy it on the psn store or from a psn card. but i see there's a few remake of MW1 maps. So for $15 your playing MW1 again xD

But i really want it too :( so if he decides to buy in from Psn store i can just re download it to my machine as i have his psn login save on my ps3 :P
Post edited May 08, 2010 at 02:55:17 PM by J_HUI
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you psn users just got it ;) xD
I bought them yesterday. They're alright, the original mw1 maps (overgrown, crash) are strangely my fav out of the lot tbh.. I don't know if it's the nostalgia of playing those old classic maps again (def were my fav maps from mw1).. but whatever it is I find them the most fun to play. Sadly the truth is the new ones bailout, storm and salvage aren't really that great. Overall, I dont really find them worth the 21.95AUD imo. Save your cash or at least try them out at a mates place or something first..
Mark give me your Psn account and password, so I can get a copy too, coz you should be able to share your purchases with 5 different consoles :mrteeth: :-d

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I haven't got them yet cause my ps3 got yellow light of death and ive still yet to send it off to get fixed. Haha. :(
i played that steam weekend free mw2 mp version and well it's all cool but sucks that there is like 10min maps only and cant choose a map to play
i like the old version more and still playng

there was some nice thing like u can add silencer and red dot aim but still you cant go in curner and lean to see whats out there

the main thing is that u dont have freedom in this game u can play only that what game lets you and that lets you play only 10 min per map or less well and the players thing to upto 12 players .. was runing 2 syrcles in map and didnt see no1 cause map was big
BCS wrote:
I haven't got them yet cause my ps3 got yellow light of death and ive still yet to send it off to get fixed. Haha. :(

So that explains why I haven't caught u online in ages!! You'll have to let me know when u get ya ps back and we'll organize a game.

Come to mention it now, J_HUI, where have u been lately too?? I have adsl2+ now so now more lag for me :) We should setup a game sometime.
Hahah Mark your on, biatch :P !!

My mate (should of) bought the expansion pack last night, so i'll try and nick it from his PSN account later today.

and yeah haven't had time to Cod up lately, I was either chopping, homework or playing GTA. I'll try to play more often, but you... YOU should try to chop more often !!! :P
Post edited May 11, 2010 at 03:04:07 PM by J_HUI
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