What Web Browser Do You Use?

Google Chrome is the best, don't even say any different.
IE7 ruuules, NOT, but that's what's at work (typed IE6 first, then edited)... :/... At home, Firefox without a doubt, have Chrome, Opera and IE8 installed though.
Post edited April 19, 2010 at 09:27:45 AM by IronChop
IE6 ftmfw xD
firefox all the way
www.shadow-designer.webs.com , www.shadowchoper.deviantart.com
I find there to be too much clutter on Firefox, with chrome you can fit more in on the page
everyone who use IE is ignorant to all the security holes thats in it , and using Chroms is stuid as its just another way for google to have access to your private life.
only safe browser, and SO proven is Opera and firefox, i rest my case

You can turn the option off for Google to store what you go on for their database.
Therefore Chrome wins
firefox all the way, ive never got a virus through it and theres loads of stuff you can do with it :p
and i wouldnt say its cluttered either, just got everything within one click.
Ive got safari, firefox, ie7 and chrome and firefox is easily the best to use.
firefox for me. I would agree about the clutter if firefox weren't so customizable to change that, which it is.
firefox ftw
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