ICandi's Website

Made myself a website this last week. Going to be used for promotional purposes.
Just wanted your opinion on the whole site. The ".tk" extension is just temporary, its going to be .com-ed tomorrow as i have sent an application.

Heres the website:
pm me
btw looks nice good job mate
look good to me, i like it
but dont have one of dangeruss's toons on your "about me" page, you make it look like its your own work which it isnt and you should really be asking for permission of use aswell
edit: unless you tried to make it look like your own work lol, no credit to dangeruss or anything
Post edited March 07, 2010 at 11:43:11 PM by Zero
Border on your iphone pic is a pixel or 2 out :)

otherwise, nice site :)

i would have the links liek so: welcome, about me, portfolio, projects, contact me and then velkommen in that order
I like you.
iWeb, nice so far.
I'd say try to modify it a bit more, make it your own. If I could instantly tell that it's based off of an iWeb template, then surely many other people can.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I used the exact same template for me website for a while. But thats the point, it's a template.
Customise it, make it your own.
You know Photoshop well, and seem to have a fairly sharp eye for design.
Use it :)
can one edit the iWeb templates? hmm...
Sure ill do then! ;D

@Zero: Im not taking any credit :P
well yeah, but it seems bit weird having an other artists work on your own personal site, in abot me area, without explaining anything
some new visitor to site cant know whos work it is unless he/she has seen it before

ofcourse the deal is totally different if you have asked for an permission for it, but atm it seems bit strange to me :D
Carbon navigator made and posted :)
I can hardly read the links in the carbontexture. there are 2 options for that:

- Get rid of the carbon. (It doesn't match with any other texture on your site btw).
- change the color of the links.

In my opinion the website is not attractive for people who want to give you a job.. It misses the 'touch and feel' that web 2.0 sites do have.

I hope you know what I mean, don't mean to flame you.
In example: take a look at this site! Gradients, noise, shadow.
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