Aveo RS - Gurnade Competition - sn` - UPDATE!

Pfhiew, finally finished! Was hard to finish it on time, because alot of shit happend and didn't have much time..



Started off with the wrong colour...

But the new colour looks so much better! Designed a sideskirt

Plans for the interior and a striping design. Cloud thought that wasn't good enough, so deleted it later

Shiny refs on the fb and a new fb design! The fb design also wasnt good enough, so had to do that over..

Wasn't happy with the previous bg.. It took me ages to find a new bg, Glacius helped me alot (thanks mate) and I came up with this first. Also did a few new refs like on the hood.

The final bg! This one seems to fit, again, thanks to Glac! Also made a new fb design, pretty simulare to the 3D-Carbon designs.

New sideskirt design!

And after that wip I only had 12 hours left, seems much, but I also had to sleep and there was enough left to do! So I rushed my ass off and this is what I came up with just before the deadline:

Chop (old)

High res (Please, check it out):

- Bigger rims, new tires.
- Windshield (less opacity of the refs)
- New spoiler
- ALOT of little errors are fixed now. Compare the highlights and shadows anywhere on the car for example!



High res;

It could have been way better if I had more time (or all the shit didn't happen..)
Oh, and I know the striping design is almost the same as Hugo's. My brother designed it for me (inspiration; http://www.camaro5.com/storypics/4e7080mr.jpg) and he haven't even seen the other entries, it propably really fits the shapes etc! So please don't flame me for that.

I could make a more perfect chop with an update if Cloud allowes me to ;)

I hope you all will like it!

Sven Nardten
Post edited March 12, 2010 at 09:15:51 PM by MK211
............................ no words, all i can say mate stuning work i wote HOF ;)

Another epic entry!!! Seriously, the paint, kit, all really great. :-d The only thing I would change is the windshield. I'd like to see the other seat and roll cage better. There is still about 36 hours left in the comp, the deadline is MARCH 5TH at 11:59 PM EST. BTW, why is this not elite? Should be.
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I absolutely love your brushing style. It is always very clean and sharp, and everyone can see that there is effort put into your chops. As of this work, the tires let it down, they arent that good.
dude i cant pick HOF yet but if i couldi would epic stuff :-d
Congrats on elite, welllll deserved!
Absolutely awesome job, realism and clean styling. :D
Good luck!
Post edited March 05, 2010 at 02:52:17 AM by Brian
Unbelivenable work! Everything look just stunning, congratz man! :-d
Promoted you SN, its a bit late but later then never hey ;)

ahh about time you got elite ;) congrats
honest, its stunning you know i think that already
the new bg is loadss better. i think this stands a good chance in winning ;)
was a pleasure wip watching :D
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