The Help Thread

Got problems? (Note: we're not MD's so we're not talking about the medical type of problems!)

If you've got problems related to using the website or just need some help, don't be afraid to ask here. Or you can always pm one of the staff, or use the contact page (link located on the bottom of each page).
2 of the main things ive noticed that could be fixed so far are:

when i click to enter a competition, it takes me staight back to the home page. i would imagine this is a crucial thing to fix if we want to get the comps on the road xD

the other thing i noticed is we cant use ANY symbols. they just show as code instead for instance:

this is that a quotation mark looks like: "

ive had a few emails and people telling me on msn that they cant sign upto the site because they get an error code apparently. other people have said that they havent received the confirmation email and also when people have come to sign in its said wrong password/email combo.
hi there
i dont know why, but i can not upload my works.

it always sais "pleas select JPG images for upload", but they are jpg :(

pls help

Edit: everything's working now!
2 of my chops arent showing up, both .jpg, and no error for it bein png either. :S
Donorcentral is nice but I'd like to sometimes upload things like carbon fiber without having to selet color, make, and model. Just type
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Yeah i tried to upload my chop, but it just doesn't show? Any idea?
How do u start new threads? because i dont see any 'new thread buttons'
It'll be a lot easer
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^^same problem here
since about an hour i don't see the navbar anymore. when i move the mouse over there it's like the bar is there, but i don't see any buttons.
anyone else with this problem? any solutions?^^
I haven't put it to use yet, but is random.php rotation possible to show in my signature?
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