Virtual Tuning on Wikipedia

Hi all

Searching around on Wikipedia I found it quite sad that there was no Wiki page on Virtual Tuning in the English Wikipedia... There's even one on the Czech Wikipedia (! Obviously that article isn't half bad and it warms my heart that have added autemo ;). But there's one major flaw with it... It's not readable to anyone else unless you've got google translator...

Being a man/mouse (take your pick) of action I've created the page for Virtual Tuning. It's now in a decent state, but needs some stuff about the WTB in it once that's complete.

However, this is obviously NOT the place to place a link to your profile and stuff like that... I do want to keep this relevant to virtual tuning so it acts as a showcase of virtual tuning and helps get the right recognition of what we all do (or used to do :)). I'll viciously edit out stuff if need be ;).

There's no place in the Wiki for a top 10 list by the way (we were told that when we submitted the article draft for review ;))
Post edited April 08, 2010 at 07:23:30 PM by IronChop
Maybe start with writing 'Automotive Designz' ending with an 'S' instead of a 'Z' ?

I know, it's just my opinion...
oh i didnt know you made it,
i edited it yesterday when jack showed me it, good to know im a legend xD
that czech article write FLAME
Interesting idea.
Never thought of looking for that.
But there is a short article in German about Virtual Tuning.
You know you wanna click it!
Not a bad idea but keep it all very professional (so no tunerz) lol
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
'Automotive Designz' is just my wiki-username and is there in the URL only as the article is in draft mode ;)...

Oh, by the way there was a colon at the end of the URL so the link to the article didn't work... fixed now...

Also, on the top 10 legends I chucked in something for now, so I definitely promote healthy discussion around who should be included as those top 10 :P
Post edited February 10, 2010 at 10:08:04 AM by IronChop
I call Tony_Riley, Uber Soldat, NOM15, charlie, Glacius and IACOSKI as legends but not in any top 10 order.
'Automotive Designz' is just my wiki-username and is there in the URL only as the article is in draft mode ...

Ah! I see. Well, excuse me then! :P
Made some changes to the draft. I tried to make it sound more professional and added some internal links to other wiki pages.
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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