Competition Ideas

Essentially this thread is where you can propose ideas for new competitons.
This means if your idea is good it will garner the respect and attention it deserves by being part of this single thread.

Please try to be specific whilts not ranting on and on for pages about your idea.

Let the ideas roll on!

For example
My idea
Basics:a two part comp that will allow new and veteran choppers to compete on an even(ish)plane
Choppers/artists would be given a brief-i.e. design a retro sporty hatch for the modern market(should be practical and affordable in appearance).
Part one would be submission of a lineart either drawn or in ps of your design-either a kit or a whole concept depending on the comp
this would be judgednot only on coolness but also on practicality/functionality and on how close it is to the competition brief.

Part two would be to render this in whatever way you like-pencil,promarker,3d or more likely as a photoshop chop.

Either judges or voting could be used although I feel judging would be more fair. Both parts would be rated out of 10,there would be individual round winners and an overall winner.
but ... Where are the ideas? o.O XD
I think if you start the thread, you should suggest some idea if it makes no sense ..
There we go, now I've made my suggestion you guys can make yours.
What I understood was ...
You propose to do a sports car lines and If they pass a check, we start with the design?
Is that it?
i think he means to do lineart in round one then the render in round 2.

that way, newwer choppers can rack up points in round 1 to be on an even keel with the rest of the choppers.

its a good idea, i like it :)
You've got it summed up there Jack.
I just feel that giving new choppers a chance to go up against more experienced guys and potentially have a shot at winning is a great way to inspire and encourage chopping.
would be nice championship double, or drift in my opinion
nice topic, i'll post some later.

The other guys let stfu asap plz.
this guy stolen my avatar :D
>> <<
Hello. I got two cars, what i ask you to make.

The First is my friend's car, the only thing you must use is that the car must be some kind of dark green. Even metallic or gloss, isn't mind. You could make both of them, or only one.


The second is my Escort. I want to tune it up in the nera future, and i only want to know, that other tuners what should do with this. You could make every base, or one, or two, and you could let your fantasy free.

Escort (front) :

Escort (Front angle) :

Escort (Rear angle) :

(sorry about the bad quality)
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