VW Polo tuned

Was gonna put this off till after the Seat comp...but I felt like I was on a roll with it so here it is.
Only parts of the pic that aren't are the bg, wheels, headlights and lower grill mesh.

Hope you guys like it, I myself am pretty happy.


Hi Res: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c2/lukej6009/VWPOLOFinished.jpg

Take 2: without the fogs and fixed a few reference issues
Hi Res:http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c2/lukej6009/VWPOLOFinishedagain.jpg
Post edited December 09, 2009 at 08:32:49 AM by Luke_Jones
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nice work m8
bumper a bit toony maybe
gr8 refs
from practise to perfection
I love the color.Great Chop :-d
Your brushing is very nice. Looks clean and real.

But I don't like the rims so much.
First, the shaddow on them is missing. Second, I guess they need more contrast. And Finally, either the car should be higher and the wheels bigger, or there should be less tire to see, and more of the rims.

Last thing I don't understand, is the shape of those black things in the front bumper. I guess it should be fog lamps. They have not enough contrast and especially the left one is cut off, so should be lower.

But all in all it's a nice chop if you like that American style.
cool Vw....nice brushing.. :-d
the windows look like mirrors , sorry i have no idea how to fix that , maybe lower the ref opacity
and yeah the front guard is just a little too close to the tyre
wow I actualy like this!!

nice work on the new kit and the arches,looks hot.

keep it up;)
pretty nice chop , not sure what is going on inside the fb vents ??
there is some sort of round thing with horizontal lines but i cant tell waht it is
my best guess is a fog light .. anyway that kinda ruins the cleanness

very nice chop i would rate this intermidiate :-d
Love it. No other words.
Thanks for the comments so far, much appreciated. I think I may rework it a little and try it without the foglights in the bumper, seeing as there is some confusion as to what they even are.
Loving the feedback here so far though. It's nice to hear the good and the bad to know where I can improve. :-d
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