what I dont like in autemo.

Well, when Im (or someone else) posting chop, 80% says: "oh great no mistakes, love your brush, keep it up".

well, its nice to read that but I think it would be better if you will show me the bugs of the chop cuz if you'll do it, i can make better chops next time.

Another thing i see, is that you dont care about jaggies or compression or bad quality. Well here, in Poland, we put big attention on the final execution so I dont know why you (not everyone) say 'awesome' even chop have a lot of bugs.

And, one more thing.
In Poland, its kind like a tradition, that when someone showing his chop to us, We're mentioning all errors of chop and I think its very good.

sorry for my english :(
Post edited December 06, 2009 at 07:48:26 AM by dEst
I Agree!
if you show me the bugs, I'll can make it better next time
100% true.
A lot of ppl says "awsome", "very nice" and a lot of other phrases which doesn't help making progress. In Poland work which is in the section ~inter and have lot of stupid bugs (jaggies, compression, skew lines et cetera), here is in adv.
Post edited December 06, 2009 at 07:29:02 AM by sokjapkowy
right polish choppers dont have there own tradition lol, i like how only the polish have replied to this thread so far :P
your topic is kinda pointless imo, its hardly going to change a thing
its upto the person about what they say, you will just need to ask the person to show flaws
i do agree with what your saying, im not being horrible or nasty or anything its just that this wont hardly change what people say lol

algeroth FTW!!! xD
People like Algeroth are helping us to become better much more faster than ppl who just say 'its good'
Well, if 80% say all good, just listen to the 20% that actually look for things that could be better ;).

I don't think we as administrators can or should force people to critique your chop differently, but personally unless the chop is HOF worthy I think it makes sense to try to at least make one comment for improvements when giving feedback :).
Oh I think that you didnt understood me. Im not saying that you should force people to critique chops, I just noticed that mentality of local users is not so good.

no offence ;]
It's really up to those who comment what they wanna to say about the chop.
We also discussed (a lot!) this back on PSU/PCW, but simply; it'll be hard to ever change it.
IronChop wrote:
Well, if 80% say all good, just listen to the 20% that actually look for things that could be better ;).

just think about it man...some people's english vocabulary it's limited...so they can say just a few things....like awesome...stunning...great...nice keep it up etc....
and if you don't like autemo you are fre to go on another forum
I personally only ever write comments on chops I really like and on the rare occasion ones that could be better. When I say "awesome chop" I am not talking only about the level of skill, but more of the overall impresion of the chop, the style and the flow. If I say I think something is awesome it is about the way all the parts of the car work together to make one car. I do this because I remember that when I first started chopping I was trying to portray a feel and style of car because I could not wow people with my skills, because they were not at a level where I could easily portray what was in my head.

What I am trying to say is that people are all diferent, each of us is an individual, and so have different reasons for what we say in our comments. With what you said though, I will from now on, try to write more In my comments about the execution rather than just the feel. Don't think that what you've said will not change peoples ways, because it will change some peoples comments from now on, and even if that is a small minority it is still a difference! :)
"Never give up before you begin!"
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