MOVED: BMW Zi8 project _ yasidDESIGN

5 people favorited this.

So here is a project I have been working on since a while. I left it pending for a while to get to other project but here it is, finally complete.
Sketches, renders, different versions with different experiments. All these for you guys to feast on.

Inspired by vision concept, i8 concept and some others by BMW itself, that's the BMW Zi8.

View the High Resolution for details

View the High Resolution for details

View the High Resolution for details

View the High Resolution for details

View the High Resolution for details

View the High Resolution for details

EDIT: New addition

There you go, enjoy ;)

Post edited February 16, 2013 at 05:59:46 AM by yasidDESIGN
woooow, how realistic that looks, very goo concept, love the bodyline, and the whole design, the first renders are my fav, as theyre more realistic, very good sketches aswell
Oh my God. This is insane.. :D

I agree with everything hugo said, this is absolutely stunning, and I love the atmosphere, the looks, the poise of the car. Color is awesome, I like the way it looks.. And the execution is spot on! :D

Huge 10/10 :-d
"What I was doing there was taking liberty with a Lamborghini, and you don't do that.." - Jeremy Clarkson, The Italian Job
HOF . nothing more to say
wow!! love... future Z8 for mee... congretilations yassid , promove this man, he creat a good and amazing projects.
awesome man loving it you managed to keep that bmw lines with a lovely concept and the atmosphere and the way car stabds out is just epic loving it ! :)
Damn, first render looks like a freaking photooo. The attencion to detail is just amazing, please HOF this because the amount of work is terrific. And promote him to elite btw, he really deserves it
Epic! Nice to see that you've modded the rear part :)

Agree about HOF for this work!
HOF and Elite. Brilliant
Guys! Thanks a lot for these feedback and the support! :)
Absolutely appreciate it. This project sure took me a while and I'm glad to see each of you enjoying it!

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