Happy birthday to Zero!

happy birthday mate, 17 today, hope you have a good'n :D ( i say today because it's 4 mins past midnight but you get my drift) Get uber drunk, and post lots of pics on here or i'll hunt you down.
thanks xD
i was like uber drunk this weekend just gone, well mortal but you know :P
i got like no pics took of me because i was mainly kept in a room for the night lol
happy birthday m8 :D
www.shadow-designer.webs.com , www.shadowchoper.deviantart.com
Happy birthday you old git!
Happy birthday ! La multi ani! - Romanian version :P
Gratulerer med dagen! :)

Happy birthday mate! Hope you had a great day celebrating!
You allways make me laugh when on msn, no matter what mood im in - wicked! xD

17, and crazy - only The Allmigthy knows how this turns out^^
thanks alot people
tbh i feel like im 18 as i can get into clubs and shit altho i havent tried to get in many places before xD
hyvää syntymäpäivää och gratis på födelsdagen ;)
nordic man wrote:
hyvää syntymäpäivää och gratis på födelsdagen ;)

fail, dont post norwegian on my thread GTFO xD
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