2012 ??

First of all we want some Positive Comment ,, so if u have time please answer my Question well :)

( Only Positive Comments are Appreciated )

What do you think is gonna Happen in 2012 ?? and Why ??

for me i have a Feeling there's some serious S*it is gonna happen..

some ppl say it's the End of the world.. and from my personal Religious Beliefs ,, i Think No One can tell when That is gonna Happen.

Scientest saying that it's gonna be an Intersting year for a lot and Powerfull Sun Storms whatever Hitting our Atmosphere kindathing,, maybe they Right i guess..

Other than that..

i'm Realy Reaaaly counting Seconds for The Biggest movie of the Year ( 2012 ) Starring John Cusak :)

Today 13 November , 2012 movie is gonna released in alot of Countries.. so i'm realy Excited

It's hit and miss for me really. Predictions such as this have been made in the past and the dates have come and gone. Then again, this prediction goes back thousands of years, well before people could summarise whats going on outside of our atmosphere. I'm also looking forward to watching the movie, the trailers look nothing short of epic and from what i can tell have some of the best CGI to date.
I personally see that when that day comes, there will be that mass suicide it speaks of just because of those who believe so heavily in it. If it happens i accept the fact God is calling and thats that. I'd rather it not be that way cuz thats the year i graduate from college :P
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I'll go on doing whatever my daily stuff is the whole year, don't believe anythings going to happen really. They've said so several years in the past, nothing has happened, neither will it happen anything this time around. Can't be arsed to think 2 years 3 years ahead :P
Thnx for comments so far ..
jackdarton wrote:

Yeah alot of Predections have been Wrong,, but who know's.. maybe it's not te End but Maybe Disasters is gonna Happened ,, something like The War of The worlds or something like it :P

yeah this movie is gonna be Biger and Better than Transformers,, Count on me guys,, it's gonna Roooock :-d
Chopperkid44 wrote:

Yeah ne too, from what i Believ in i'm Actualy know and Positive that the End of the world is gonna Happen,, wither we liked it or not,, it's Life.. it's Live and Die.. nothing still the same

But ofcourse No one can tell when >> :)

woow ur Gonna Graduate in 2012 ??!!!!
we cant let you Graduate,, please pass a year or something,, just dont let Graduation happen in 2012 !! xD

OMG that's a big Sign guys,, i'm more Positive that something is gonna Pop UP =O
DevilsTower wrote:
hhhhh yeah we're still gonna do the same,, just the Daily Bases of Whatever xD

wow u cant Think 2 years a head ?? do u have A low Capacity Brain ?? xD

for me i think of the Past, the Presens and the Future all Togather :)

Guys did u know what i come up ??

maybe it's not the end of the World >> maybe Hackers will Launch The Biggest Computer Virus Ever,, maybe all Technology is going to shut Down and go back to the stone Age like Flinstons =O
Even if the world should explode or something, I do not care. I would be dead, everybody would be dead, so what?
But I do not think that anything will happen.
Sandstorms or other catastrophies - possibly. But they would never be big enough to destroy the world or civilisation. And with the computer virus: no.
You know you wanna click it!
tbh i couldt care less, but im happy to die if its in a giant wave or a insane earthquake at least i went out exiting =D

The maya calander thing for me is very likely , but imo it has nothing to do with end of the world its just a calender that runs out , basicly in 2009 now will u kill ur self cus it runs out , no u go and get the 2010 one =D

nothing will happen as usual

they always pick a pretty number for the end of time and nothing happens xD
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Ok guys... I have hard facts as too why this is bullsh*t

OK here we go

The Mayan calender says on the 21/12/2012 will be the end of time... now! This is crap it was mistranslated by some c*nt years back and since it has spread, the translation should read will be the end of AGE!<<<< now this mean we are currently in the age of Aries our next age is Aquarious. Please do not panic nothing will happen. This 2012 nonsense is just a money making scam... if you go on most site which have info on 2012 you will notice somthing in common with them all. You know what the common ground is? Adverts... thats right its a money making scam! We as humans are naturally curious, and because of this we hear things like this and we turn straight to the internet only to be sent to site full of adverts. Also the Mayan calander ends on this date not only because its a new age but over a period of 50,000+ years, they get less accurate readings from the stars to they cant predict into the future.

Hope this clears this crap up guys. I like you have been curious about this as to what might happen therefore i have read many theries and watched many videos.... most are just scare tactics others are just for the advertisements whilst others speak the truth. Just like newspapers as soon as they get wind of somthing they BLOW! it out of proportion just to get you to read their paper to find out more.

Ok guys live a fun life to the full nothing will happen other than the usual natural disasters which happen year in year out.

Sleep tight :-d

I don't believe that anything would happen in 2012 ...

I don't know why but I don't believe it .. why 2012 ? why not 2011 or 2010 or today?
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