what would you do?

hi mates, im creating this topic cause i have a problem here.

Recently as some of you might know , i traveled to Northern Ireland to work, im living here for 3 months now, And everything was so god damn perfect, good wage, nice workflow, living beside my work, all days was passing very nice, while working with exelent people,
but as my mother used to say, nothing lasts forever, and it was to fast to all turn shit if you ask me,
What hapened was, my boss, its a 25 y old lad, wich imo has double personality, and i tought he was a really nice guy, until he had a fight with a mate that works with us (the actual person who brought me here), and they decided to split up,
what hapens is, this mate who brought me to meet my boss and works with us, is my friend for yeaaars, ive been working with him for years now, and this boss guy, i met him 4 months ago, and now, my mate wants me to get out of this job, and go with him to start a business, altough i would be like 2 months with very small wage, until things are sorted.
and my boss is trying to buy me so i can turn my back to my mate, but he is actually going to bankrupt soon, so i would loose my boss, and my mate, and needed to go back to Portugal,
so im afraid to do the wrong choice here,

1 - should i Stay here in this job, and keep my free accomodation and good wage (afraid of it to end soon and stabbing a mate in the back)
2 - should i leave this guy, search for a house, and wait things are better with my mate business (2 months maybe with small wage, not guaranteed to be the best business ever)
3 - fuck everyone, and go back to Portugal

the last options would be my last choice, as i cant go back to my parents house, cause i have a girlfriend who cant go back to her house cause she doesnt speak with her mother that well, that way i would be pushing the bar to high with my parents, as my father as cancer, and my mom is getting her second throat operartion in december cause she has a cancer there to (3rd cancer), and theyre very low on money cause theyre allways on doctors, and theyre still working even if theyre health condition is not in good shape

so basicaly, im fucked, and dunno what to do, i traveled here with an awesome opportunity of life, with conditions that i allways dreamed of, and now, its just the complete oposite
, sorry for this big text mates, i just needed to tell someone, to speak it out,
best regards
Post edited November 22, 2011 at 10:21:05 AM by hugosilva
do what is best for you
only advice i can give
1 person liked this.
My opinion.

Even though he's your friend, or actually because he's your friend, I would ask fora written business plan with market analysis, projected sales, start up capital etc and check if it looks plausible. If he doesn't have one I would suggest he makes one. Starting an own business always looks tempting, but if it's inevitably it will fail, he should reconsider.

If everything looks good you could join him if you can get yourself through the rough times. I wonder where you got the idea you would get 2 months low wage? A new business normally only gets profitable after a year or two depending on the sector and necessary investments to start.

If it's obvious that it just is not worth it to jump in with him. It is most likely to fail then and besides financial issues a failure would probably damage your friendship too.

Just my .2c without further background info ;)
samvesters wrote:
My opinion.

Even though he's your friend, or actually because he's your friend, I would ask fora written business plan with market analysis, projected sales, start up capital etc and check if it looks plausible. If he doesn't have one I would suggest he makes one. Starting an own business always looks tempting, but if it's inevitably it will fail, he should reconsider.

If everything looks good you could join him if you can get yourself through the rough times. I wonder where you got the idea you would get 2 months low wage? A new business normally only gets profitable after a year or two depending on the sector and necessary investments to start.

If it's obvious that it just is not worth it to jump in with him. It is most likely to fail then and besides financial issues a failure would probably damage your friendship too.

Just my .2c without further background info ;)
thanks mate, thats a very good opinion, ill consider it,
ive been on a meeting with him yesterday with his account guy, and everything seems in place and seems that the business has potencial and can actually has good pofit, and part of that business is something thats is running allready and having profit allready, so i think it could actually work for us both, the thing with this current boss now, is that i know he is going to bankrupt, cause when we still talk normally about stuff he told me, so i think if i stick with this boss, il be bad in a month, with no wage and all.
Agree with Sam, but if your actual boss is going to bankrupt in a month probably the best choise is to do a jump in the black hole with your friend... no others way: if you stay at your actual work probably for christmas you have not a work, if you go with your friend, that can be the same or not... hope your friend helps you looking for a place to stay (he pefectly know what benefits you have and he MUST offer you the same to be totally correct with you... is too easy to say "Hey come with me, but you'll don't have a gratis house).
Anyway my best wishes to you Hugo... I'm sure you'll take the right choise.
Man do that what is best for you, and your girlfriend...
Help your parents too, because they are all we have :/
U cant change them...:/
This is my opinion :)
2 people liked this.
Have to agree with Sam here, from a business point of view. From a personal point of view, if he's that good a friend he'll understand you staying with your current boss for security reasons. If you get your monthly wages and the dude does go bankrupt you can fall back on social security checks. If you jump ship early and you start to play the waiting game (until things improve) that'll only hurt you in the long run.

If your friend starts his own business then he already has to make a sound business plan and market analysis to present to the bank. Don't make the mistake in thinking he'll turn profits quickly because there's a lot more costs involved in running a business than you'd think. If he needs you to make it profitable, then you can leverage him into a solid contract which will only be breakable if that business starts going bankrupt too. Whatever you do, DONT sign any partnership documents because if things do go bad, the banks will be looking at your personal accounts and things for collateral.

Friendships are meant to stand above work, relationships and all that. Friendships are not meant to take the food from your mouth.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
rapaz, explica-me uma coisa que não percebi... porque razão dizes que o negócio do teu actual patrão vai entrar em falência?
number 2., seems like the only logical option from what you have written tbh. And it seems to be what you want for yourself too.
Some men just want to watch the world doing burnouts... :P
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Construct i totally understand, the thing you maybe didnt understood, is that i know from facts, when i used to talk better with my boss, that he is going bankrupt,(so no more wages for me then) so the only thing he wants is me to turn my back on a friend, and then fuck me, , he has no money, i know he asked money from his brother to pay my last week wage, so i know he is going to bankrupt, thats a fact not me wondering, and wath option will i make here besides trying my luck with that friend, thanks for the tip ill not sign any partnership with him, but in the end of the day, ive been thinking,
heres what im planing, getting advantage of them both, get money here and there, from my boss and my mate by doing works for them both, so i can keep myself for some time, then try and fix me a job in the meanwhile, and say fuck them both, still friends bla bla bla but im moving forward with my life , does it sound reasonable?
i cant get out of the uk now, portugal is dying, i cant get proper job there, and i cant go back to my parents house, so ill adventure myself here, try and workout my life alone here, get my job, (i only want to work, thats not asking much)
Post edited November 22, 2011 at 02:43:46 PM by hugosilva
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