Automotive Design Studio Blog

Blog › WTB 2011 is now open for Team Registrations

By IronChop
Posted Jan 02 2011, 09:23 PM · Tags: WTB 2011
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The 2011 WTB will be starting soon. So soon in fact, that artists should really start discussing with their fellow countrymen who they are teaming up with and gathering some general ideas. While the 2010 World Team Battle was awesome, we are sure the second one will be even better!

Quick Overview

The WTB is an event where people form in teams of up to 4 automotive artists each and compete in a series of rounds to ultimately be crowned the best team of 2011. The only rule: Your team has to consist of member from the same country apart from in special circumstances where International teams may be formed. The last few WTB's have been epic with some unrivaled skill and intense pressure. It's sure to be a world-wide hit!

Key Registration Rules
  • The person registering the team must CLEARLY state the country they are representing.
  • Teams must be of 2-4 people (no more, no less).
  • International teams may NOT register at this point. Do all you can to find members in your own area. If you are absolutely sure that you wont be able to find a team from your country, you can nominate a suggested international team, but whether we allow it is reserved to our discretion.


To be eligible to enter in the World Team Battle you need to be a registered artist with Autemo Design Studios, and register a team by 12th of February at 5pm Brisbane time (UTC/GMT +10). Use this link to register as an artist.